Category Archives: EB

tulum: honeymoon adventure

tulum7 tulum8 tulum6 tulum21 tulum22 tulum31 tulum24tulum30 tulum29 tulum28 tulum27 tulum17 tulum20 tulum4 tulum3 tulum2A look back on our honeymoon in Tulum.

For the first half of our vacation, Karl and I stayed at Sol Caribe, which is a resort located in the reserve of  Sian Ka’an, about two hours South of Tulum. Aside from the road to get to the resort and our little rental car, everything about our stay was perfect. After all the stress of wedding planning it was so nice to relax on the beach and soak up as much all-inclusive goodness as we could. For the last five days, we traveled back up to Tulum and stayed at La Zebra. We ate fresh ceviche every day, went swimming in the bluest ocean and carried on laughable conversations in Spanish. We visited the ruins in Cobá and in Tulum.  The Cobá ruins had the ancient pyramid that you can climb. All one hundred twenty steps.  I have never really been scared of heights before, but combine poor choice of footwear (my saltwater sandals) and the fact that those steep steps were about 4,000 years old, definitely had me clutching onto dear life. But, I survived. And the few from the top was definitely worth the sweat. Another highlight of our trip were the turtles. One morning we saw tracks in the sand of a mama turtle, who had shuffled onto the beach to lay her eggs during the night. Then another night while we were watching a salsa dance party, we saw sea turtle’s hatch from their nest and crawl towards the ocean.  It was really remarkable to watch them follow the light of the moon. Since the beach was so crowded one of the beach guards ran around with a box and collected the turtles to make sure they made it safely to the sea. 

And of course, it was wonderful to have our first adventure as husband and wife.

happy, happy, happy.

 So, we’re officially married and I couldn’t be happier. There are lots of DIYs and pictures to come! So thankful for everyone who made our special day possible!



It’s hard to imagine that today marks my 30th year on this planet. When I really stop and think about it for long, it seems surreal. The other day when I was reflecting (ok, maybe panicking), I said to Karl that I didn’t think I accomplished much in the last 30 years. Fortunately in my state of panic, he reminded me otherwise. Perhaps it was the “I didn’t even write a before I turn 30 bucket list” or the “I’m getting married and I haven’t figured out my life yet” or the “by the time my mom was 30, she had 3 kids” talking. Could be a combination of all three, really? But when I look back on my last 30 years, I feel so fortunate and happy. So maybe I have never gone to Europe or have three kids like my mom did or have a permanent place to call my own yet, but I do know that I am surrounded by wonderful people in my life–who give me more than a brownstone ever could. (ok, maybe that last part is questionable :))

I have BIG dreams for this life of mine. And I feel so lucky that I don’t have to do it alone.

Bring it, 30. I’m ready for ya. First stop…

ny state marriage license

life other than our wedding

essie nail polish cake stand A cake stand turned nail polish holder.  And in case you were wondering, they are not ALL mine…some are my moms.

yacht rock

Another concert to see Yacht Rock Revue with some of my friends. I didn’t think this show could top the first time that I saw them, but then Elliot Lurie of Looking Glass came out and sang “Brandy (You’re a Fine Girl)” and it became epic. They have another show here in October and I will definitely be there. I’m okay with becoming a groupie, btw.

nyc skyline

Trips in and out of this glorious city. This past weekend I visited my friend Vicki, who is living in Massachusetts this summer. We explored the cute town of North Hampton and shared lots of girl talk and laughs.

bass on the delware A trip to Lamacland and a canoe trip on the Delaware River with our friends. I caught this fish and got my first sunburn of the summer.

Obviously, it’s been nice to do non-wedding activities and get out of the house, especially when the sun is shining. The ‘Back to School’ section was already on display at Target and it reminded me that the summer is flying by.  So, now I’m just trying to enjoy every minute of it before I’m back in the classroom! Even though the DIY list is somehow getting longer, I know I need to make the most of this summer (the last of my 20s and single life). How on earth did that happen so fast?

Bridal Shower Favor: DIY Sunglasses Case

DIY Sunglasses Case Favor

When I started planning my bridal shower, I knew that I wanted to make something to give to my guests and this DIY sunglasses case was the perfect idea! I was initially planning on making small pouches for my guests but then I saw my friend Carrie’s pattern for a sunglasses case and I knew that would be the perfect favor for a tropical bridal shower.

DIY Sunglasses Case Favor

This is a free pattern and is super easy to use. As you can see from the print-out above, all you need is your main fabric, lining fabric, batting and some interfacing. Carrie’s directions made this pattern easy to follow. And once I had all my material cut and pressed, each sunglasses case was quick to sew up. Although I was inside sewing 20 cases on a 90 degree day, I must admit that it was great to get the creative energy flowing again.

DIY Sunglasses Case Favor

I tried to use fabric that I had in my ever-growing stash, but I couldn’t resist buying some tropical/Hawaiian themed fabric. And I couldn’t resist a fabric with a school of fish on it! It was fun to mix different colored liners with fun prints!

DIY Sunglasses Case FavorI wrapped the sunglasses case with some raffia and wrote a thank you note to my guests on a green notecard and slipped it in a hot pink envelope. I even embossed the word “Aloha” onto the card (anything to use that embosser of mine).

DIY Sunglasses Case FavorAside from the cost of some new fabric, this was a really easy and inexpensive bridal shower favor to give out. Plus, it’s alway great to give out something that is handmade, right? I was very happy that all my guests enjoyed their new sunglasses case! Now, go check out the tutorial and make one for yourself!