Bridal Shower DIY thank you cards

Bridal Shower DIY Thank You CardsOf course no bridal shower would be complete without some DIY thank you cards. I originally grabbed some ready-made thank you cards from the Paper Source, but then I decided to just make some. I didn’t know what style of card I wanted to make, so I started sketching some very rough ideas. When I started to make some sketches of designs, I realized I could make the card accordion style. Plus, I recently took a paper rosette making class where I got a Scoring Board and I was looking for a project to use it for.

Bridal Shower DIY Thank You Cards I downloaded some free Hawaiian Photoshop brushes, wrote a little message to my guests and printed the design onto off-white card stock. I originally wanted to make 4 sections of the accordion, but it made the area to write in too small. So, I just settled on 3 sections and writing over the middle image. It took a little bit of trial and error to get the spacing of the card right but with some trimming it finally worked.

Bridal Shower DIY Thank You CardsI rounded out the edges of the card with my Fiskars corner-punch. It’s not the best rounder, but it does it’s job.

Bridal Shower DIY Thank You CardsI didn’t think that I would find a use for this tool when I first got it (other than making rosettes), but I’m really happy I did. I even used an X-acto knife to trim the edge of the paper along the grooves of the board. I’m pretty sure this is not its intended purpose but it didn’t seem to cause any damage.

Bridal Shower DIY Thank You Cards I used different colored envelopes I had and I called them finished!
Easy and free (since I already had all the supplies).

Bridal Shower DIY Thank You Cards

 So that’s it for the bridal shower crafts! Thanks for following along.
We’re officially one month away from our wedding day and I cannot wait. And, there will be lots of crafts and fun DIYs to share!