Category Archives: e&k

6 years ago..

On this cold day in New York, I was reminded that 6 years ago, Karl and I spent 3 amazing months living in Hawaii. We volunteered through WWOOF at a start-up fruit and coffee farm called Earthly Delights. It was such a great way to see the island. We hitchhiked all around the Big Island (legal? yes, safe? questionable). We met lots of cool people, saw amazing scenery, walked on the freshest earth in the world (Volcano National Park) and swam alongside wild dolphins. We ate fresh fruit and avocados, plucked right off the tree. Hopefully it won’t be long until we go back.
Brooklyn will always be my home, but on this snowy day, it can’t compete with Hawaii. 😉

my life lately…and a happy birthday!



When I think about how much I’ve neglected this space this year, I start feeling guilty! I have to remind myself why I decided to keep a blog in the first place (for myself) and think about all the other things that I have been up to! I didn’t realize how much going back to graduate school would consume my life! Luckily, I’ve still been able to be crafty! I have lots of projects that I have neglected to share- but hopefully I will make some time to celebrate the art!!

Well, that’s my big update! I’m off to celebrate the birth of my best friend!!

Happy birthday Keiki!