watercolor maps

brooklyn konacoast bearbrook

Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under CC BY SA.

I am the queen of procrastination. It’s true. I told myself I was going to do things differently during my last year of grad school and make sure I plan to do things ahead of time- not cramming my papers in at the last minute. But of course, distractions find me (even this post is taking me away from my thesis). Luckily, I’ve come to terms with the fact- this is just how I roll. So, while I was taking a break from my paper at Starbucks today, I came across this website. I had fun searching for the places that Karl and I have lived. Pictured above are a few of my favorites: Cobble Hill, the Kona Coast of Hawaii and Bear Brook State Park (where we met!).  Maybe when we’re back in our own place I will get them printed–I just love the colors.

Enjoy the distraction… I know I did!